Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dream Fastpasses

I just got a call from my son, who is in DL with his best friend and best friend%26#39;s mom, and they won dream fastpasses this morning in CA Adventures! They were handing them out when they got off the Maliboomer ride.

And my son asked the one burning question I have always had: when you get a dream fastpass, is it for both parks, or just for the one park where you received it? And the answer is... it is for BOTH parks!! So they have changed their plans to spend the entire day in CA and will instead be heading over to DL after they are done in CA so they can use all their fastpasses! Poor them, huh? LOL!

Anyway, just thought I%26#39;d share in case anyone else was curious too!

Dream Fastpasses

FYI, while this is true in California, for the WDW parks in Florida, if you win a Dream Fastpass, it is only good at the park you won it at.

Since DCA is so close to Disneyland, and that DCA is underperforming, the Dream Fastpasses are good for both parks. Also, if you just had a one day Disneyland Park Ticket, you are allowed to enter DCA to use your FP%26#39;s, so it is a way to help boost DCA attendance.

Dream Fastpasses

Really dumb question, but this dream fast pass is only good on rides that take fast pass. Not on anything, right?

It%26#39;s only good for rides that have fastpass, but that%26#39;s plenty good enough, IMO! I reminded my son to go ahead and continue to grab regular fast passes for rides they want to repeat.

And Darkbeer is right - the dream fastpasses at WDW in Florida are only for the park you are visiting. I sure wish we could have won some when we were there a few weeks ago! The crowds were unbelievable!

Yeah, we won these a few weeks ago coming off Thunder Mountain. It takes almost all day to do all the rides, there are 12. 5 in DCA and 7 in DL and even with FastPass it takes maybe 1/2 an hour to go thru the line and ride each ride, then you have the walking between each ride and meal breaks so don%26#39;t expect to be able to do a ton of repeats.

Dumb question but what is a Dream Fastpass and how do you get one and how does it work?

Thye are randomly awarded, in the first hour or two the park is open. They are two plastic cards which hang around your neck, one for DL and one for CA. They have a tab on them for each ride that has FastPass which admits you to the FP line for that ride. The tab is then broken off and retained by the ride operator. They also have the date on them so they cannot be used on a subsequent day.

wow!! what a quick response...thanks. My son and I are going for a couple of days in August (not a weekend!!) so maybe we%26#39;ll get lucky. They actually seem to give him a little more attention when they notice his hearing aids...I know Disney is big on kids with disabilities.

For Dream Fastpasses, Disney has a computer that picks random times and places to hand out prizes, for example, the first 50 people exiting Haunted Mansion starting at 9:34 AM, or walking across a certain line on a pathway at 10:32 AM near Pizza Omm Mow Mow at DCA.

The system is designed that the CM%26#39;s handing out prizes cannot play favorites, as it is a official sweepstakes/contest and has to be fair to all.

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